Nebraska Clean Cities and Communities Coalition

December 17, 2024

NEC4 logo
Nebraska Transportation Center

Clean Cities and Communities (CC&C) is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Partnership that advances clean transportation nationwide. As a network of over 60 coalitions, CC&C works locally in urban, suburban, and rural communities to strengthen the nation’s environment, energy security, and economic prosperity. The partnerships built by coalitions with stakeholders aim to advance affordable, efficient, and clean transportation fuels and technologies. At the national level, the DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Office and national laboratories can provide unbiased and objective technical assistance, information resources, online training, and an array of data and analysis tools. Coalition staff can leverage these resources to provide expertise, resources, and tools to strategically advance clean transportation in the regions we serve.

The Nebraska Clean Cities and Communities Coalition (NEC4) was appointed an apprentice coalition earlier this year. The coalition is housed at the Nebraska Transportation Center, directed by NTC Director Dr. Nathan Huynh, and staffed with NTC staff. Our mission aligns with that of the DOE to reduce petroleum consumption in Nebraska by promoting alternative fuels advanced vehicles, and sustainable practices for a healthier, more energy-secure Nebraska.

As of this month, NEC4’s application for full designation has proven successful, resulting in a cooperative agreement with the Department of Energy that provides yearly funding for coalition operations and events. NEC4 is hoping to expand its stakeholder group from the 15 organizations currently involved to further its reach and impact across Nebraska.