Nebraska Clean Cities Coalition

Apprentice Coalition

Nebraska Clean Cities & Communities Coalition

Our Vision

The Nebraska Clean Cities Coalition supports the Department of Energy's goal of fostering economic, environmental, and energy security by working with stakeholders in Nebraska and the surrounding region to advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels, energy efficient mobility systems, and other fuel-saving technologies and practices.

Board Members

Nathan Huynh
Acting Director
Nebraska Transportation Center

Anne McCollister
Nebraska Community Energy Alliance

Emily Gratopp
Extension Educator EFNEP
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Gary Greer
City of Gothenburg

Jaci Higgins
City of Hastings

Jeffrey Carpenter
Rural Development
U.S. Department of Agriculture

Jessica Sodeke
Nebraska Ethanol Board

Joe Soucie
City of La Vista

Kim Morrow
City of Lincoln

Lance Hedquist
South Sioux City

Marc Shkolnick
Lincoln Electric System

Morgan Hartman
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Nikki Schwanz
City of Cozad

Patrick Wenzl
City of Lincoln

Randy Gard
Bosselman Enterprises

Sue Crawford
City of York

Tara Vasicek
City of Columbus